What is Child Sexual Abuse?

Child sexual abuse is more common than we think. Every allegation must be thoroughly investigated, and all victims of sexual abuse must be encouraged to come forward. The committee handling the investigation must do so with the highest level of confidentiality and sensitivity, without shaming or blaming the victim so as not to traumatize them yet again. At the same time, we must also bear in mind that every accused person is innocent until proven otherwise.  

Victims of sexual abuse typically carry a lot of guilt and shame, which is why so many do not come forward. Many are afraid of stigmatization and other repercussions. In a society like ours that is all about hiding our dirty laundry and avoiding public shame, it might be necessary to engage parents with letters encouraging them to ask their daughters if they have been victims of sexual abuse. Most girls will be reluctant to come forward without their parents’ support. 

Another phenomenon common in victims of sexual abuse is avoidance of the traumatic event. They avoid talking about the trauma and would rather not relive the pain of the violation of their body, integrity, and soul. They would rather just put it behind them. Unveiling a traumatic event can be quite disturbing for the victim, hence the need to have professional support in place for the victims as they come forward.

This is a serious issue that persists even today. I hope this article sheds more light on child sexual abuse:
