Protection: The Job of a Mother


Protection- The Job of a mother!!!

Happy Mother's Day to my beloved sisters out there.  The passages above describe the protective  love of a mother. Ironically the situation was of Sarah's doing! She was the very person who brought up the idea of Abraham having a baby with Hagar. This same Sarah put up with Abraham giving her up to various kings to protect his life as they travel through various countries. God always protected her.

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When it came to her son, she wasn't going to have any of that, she went berserk!
In my work as a Christian Psychiatrist, I see women struggle with when and where to draw the line especially with their husbands. I have watched women stand by the sideline and watch the precious destinies of their children compromised. You know your husband is irresponsible with money but you keep letting him handle all the finances including yours? What about the children?  How can a woman watch her child being sexually defiled or abused? Your husband is brutally physically abusive but you keep quiet to avoid a breakup and  public humiliation.
I understand that some women remain silent because they lack the means to support the backlash from speaking up. Other women are victims of abuse themselves and have become  incapacitated by mental illness and sequela of ongoing abuse.

The women I want to focus on today are those who just  live in denial or live in the "holier than thou land" There are these women who hide in their  prayer closets and simply bury their heads in the sand. You point out a dangerous situation and they quote scriptures to back up their  silence.
I am referring to the woman who has an alcoholic husband but let's him drive their kids inebriated.  I mean the woman who knows her husband is abusing their underage children or house help and remains silent about it. A child ought to always be protected and evil is evil irrespective of the perpetrator.

As Christians, we know faith without works is dead. We can pray, fast and sow as much as we want, until we are ready and willing to confront certain situations head on, nothing will change. Esther prayerfully confronted the situation that threatened the future of the Israelites knowing she could be killed in the process.  Yes, we need Godly wisdom and prayers to approach every situation but silence is never an option in the face of evil!
 As Christian women,  our goal  is not only to get married or stay married but secure the future of our kids and protect them too. The same goes for women with children dating, watch out for your kids, if your new beau truly loves you, he will love your dog!  Sometimes, we might have to be confrontational and stir up some serious stuff, we have to speak up. It is easy to be selfish and avoid conflict by remaining silent in all situations.   Unfortunately some women are selfish.
 Sarah who is the epitome of a Godly wife and as such Christian Women are encouraged to emulate dared to ruffle feathers when  she saw the future of her son, Isaac at stake, and God backed her up!  God asked Abraham to obey Sarah!
Jochebed the mother of Moses hid Moses, at a time when all male Infants under the age of two were to be killed by law. I imagine she also hid Aaron too. Both sons, Moses and Aaron, were instrumental to the deliverance of the Israelites.
 Mary and Joseph  protected Jesus from King Herod's decree, by moving from Bethlehem to Egypt to keep Jesus safe!

 Dear mother, those children in your care are God's instrument. They are here on a mission. From conception till your last day here on earth you need to protect them. Beyond being a Mrs "Somebody" never fail  to stand up for the children under your care...
As mothers, we need to always stand up and defend the future of our children spiritually and physically. Yes, sometimes we need to ruffle some feathers to ensure it is well with them! Are you a silent mother who cannot take heat or conflict even for her children's future? These children are the future of the world, the world is awaiting their manifestation and God has sent them here on a mission.
Think again.....

Happy Mother's Day.
Dr Omobolaji Oyebanjo-Popoola