Lesson Five - Shared Faith

Too many of us Christians think we can get away with ignoring this rule. Truth be told, God knows His sheep and His sheep know His voice. You don't want to marry anyone who is under the influence of the Devil! Do you understand the risk you expose your self to when you are unequally yoked?

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While God is gracious and merciful, and can save any soul he wants to, many  believers have ended up derailed because they were unequally yoked in marriage. Some have been exposed to some serious spiritual issues that they never bargained for just by being unequally yoked. Remember Samson and Delilah? Samson's life was cut short because of Delilah. Wait on God, don't compromise because you feel you are running out of time. In Gods time, He will give you your own ideal partner, His sheep, who can hear and obey God's word! 

Dr. Omobolaji-Oyebanjo Popoola

