Domestic Violence Escape Checklist

Before you escape, make sure you have everything you need.

  • IDs for you and your children
    • driver's license
    • birth certificates
    • passports
    • social security card
    • work papers or immigration papers)
  • Spare keys
    • House
    • Car
    • storage locker
    • bank safe deposit box, etc. 
  • Financial:
    • check book
    • credit cards
    • debit cards
    • safe deposit box info
    • cash (including coins)
  • Personal address and phone notebook. List of access codes and passwords 
  • Insurance info:
    • Health
    • Life
    • auto
    • home 
  • Government account info
    • Medicare
    • food stamps
    • Medicaid
    • social security
  • Records
    • School
    • Medical
    • marriage 
  • Court orders
    • Marriage license
    • Separation agreement
    • Divorce
    • Protection
    • child custody 
  • Proof of your partner's income (pay stub, etc.) 
  • Prepaid cell phone (your normal cell phone may be traceable) and/or prepaid calling card
  • Documentation of assets and liabilities
    • including titles
    • leases
    • house deeds
    • joint assets
    • credit cards
    • bank accounts (particularly those you own jointly with your abuser)
  • Change of clothes for each person
  • Medications and prescriptions for you, children and pets
  • Personal hygiene items
    • Toothbrushes
    • feminine hygiene
    • diapers
    • deodorant
  • Baby formula, toys and blankets
  • A few sentimental and/or valuable pictures, jewelry, keepsakes 
  • Pictures of family which include the abuser 
  • Abuser's personal information
    • date of birth
    • social security number
    • work permit information
    • place of employment
    • description of vehicle (including license plate number)
    • good photo of the abuser